Formulario de opinión del empleado
Proceso de evaluación
At the supervisor's appraisal date
His direct reports will be invited through Odoo to express a feedback on their supervisor's leadership and to give their opinion about their own engagement and effectiveness, the continuous improvement and openness in action in thecompany...
The employees will send back their anonymous answers to Odoo. The data will be handled by the HR manager and a brief summary of the data will be sent to the concerned supervisor, to his team and to the supervisor's supervisor.
The appraiser should rate the employee's major work accomplishments and performance according to the metric provided below
- Significantly exceeds standards and expectations required of the position
- Exceeds standards and expectations
- Meet standards and expectations
- Did not meet standards and expectations
- Significantly below standards and expectations
Nombre de su supervisor directo *
Fecha *
Competencias de desempeño *
Se comunica de forma eficaz con el supervisor, los compañeros y los clientes. |
Trabaja de manera independiente, posee autonomía. |
Trabaja en cooperación con la supervisión o como parte de un equipo. |
Asume responsabilidades adicionales. |
Fiabilidad cumplimiento de plazos de entrega. |
Habilidad para analizar hechos, resolución de problemas, toma de decisiones y demostrar buen juicio. |
Si otros, precisar
Eficacia *
Se hace responsable sobre tareas asignadas; y cumple con los tiempos pautados de entrega. |
Si otros, precisar